We are a student-run non-profit company based in Cologne, the OfW. But most people know us as the the organisers of the World Business Dialogue. Here, students become entrepreneurial early in their academic careers and work on projects and events. With our connections to the business and start-up scene, as well as to students worldwide, we create a platform for exchange. An exchange between entrepreneurs and students, between generations and between countries. At our events, we enable conversations at peer-to-peer level in an informal atmosphere. Since 1984, many stories, ideas and careers have been created in this way.
Experience meets innovation. The OfW group (registered group) consisting of the board of trustees supervising and advising both, the Organisationsforum Wirtschaftskongress gGmbH and OSCAR GmbH. Due to the inherent short lived nature of OfW employees the board of trustees brings the necessary constancy to oversee and plan long-term developments.
In addition, the OfW group also supervises the OSCAR GmbH, which is a management consultancy with a start-up character. 1992 OSCAR was founded as a subsidiary of the OFW.
Because of the growing number of alumni, the “OfW & Oscar Alumni Club” (OOAC) was founded in 1984. Many of our alumni started incredible careers after time at the OfW or Oscar and joined the OOAC to stay connected with each other and with the OfW as well as Oscar. Today we (the OfW) have over 700 Alumni from 25 generations.
We create a dialogue between leaders of today and leaders of tomorrow.
Bring together bright young minds and senior decision makers to push forward networks across borders and hyrachies.
Create a unique experience for every participant and thrive to grow our global network and diversify yet more.
Tomorrow's labor markets, today's decisions. Join the 25th World Business Dialogue and connect with experts shaping the future of work